$ helm repo add prometheus-community https://prometheus-community.github.io/helm-charts $ helm repo update
創建要配置的 vlaues 檔案: kube-stack-prometheus-values.yaml
grafana: ingress: ## If true, Grafana Ingress will be created enabled: true hosts: - grafana.example.it # change timezone setting base on browser defaultDashboardsTimezone: browser grafana.ini: users: viewers_can_edit: true auth: disable_login_form: false disable_signout_menu: false auth.anonymous: enabled: true org_role: Viewer sidecar: datasources: logLevel: "DEBUG" enabled: true searchNamespace: "ALL" dashboards: logLevel: "DEBUG" # enable the cluster wide search for dashbaords and adds/updates/deletes them in grafana enabled: true searchNamespace: "ALL" label: grafana_dashboard labelValue: "1" prometheus: ingress: ## If true, Grafana Ingress will be created enabled: true hosts: - prometheus.example.it prometheusSpec: # enable the cluster wide search for ServiceMonitor CRD serviceMonitorSelectorNilUsesHelmValues: false # enable the cluster wide search for PodMonitor CRD podMonitorSelectorNilUsesHelmValues: false # enable the cluster wide search for PrometheusRule CRD ruleSelectorNilUsesHelmValues: false probeSelectorNilUsesHelmValues: false alertmanager: ingress: ## If true, Grafana Ingress will be created enabled: true hosts: - alertmanager.example.it
$ helm upgrade --install --wait --create-namespace --namespace monitoring \ kube-stack-prometheus prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack \ --values kube-stack-prometheus-values.yaml $ kubectl get ing -n monitoring
查看已建立好的ingress入口 直接綁hosts開啟ui
35.x.x.x grafana.example.it
35.x.x.x alertmanager.example.it
35.x.x.x prometheus.example.it
35.x.x.x argocd.example.it
username: admin
password: prom-operator
git clone https://github.com/dotdc/grafana-dashboards-kubernetes.git
cd grafana-dashboards-kubernetes
kubectl apply -f argocd-app.yml
helm repo add argo https://argoproj.github.io/argo-helm helm repo update
創建要配置的 vlaues 檔案: argocd-values.yaml
## Argo CD server server: extraArgs: # -- Run server without TLS - --insecure ingress: # -- Enable an ingress resource for the Argo CD server enabled: true # -- List of ingress hosts ## Argo Ingress. ## Hostnames must be provided if Ingress is enabled. ## Secrets must be manually created in the namespace hosts: - argocd.example.it metrics: # -- Deploy metrics service enabled: true service: # -- Metrics service port servicePort: 8083 # -- Metrics service port name portName: http-metrics serviceMonitor: # -- Enable a prometheus ServiceMonitor enabled: true ## Repo Server repoServer: ## Repo server metrics service configuration metrics: # -- Deploy metrics service enabled: true service: # -- Metrics service port servicePort: 8084 # -- Metrics service port name portName: http-metrics serviceMonitor: # -- Enable a prometheus ServiceMonitor enabled: true ## Application controller controller: ## Application controller metrics configuration metrics: # -- Deploy metrics service enabled: true applicationLabels: # -- Enables additional labels in argocd_app_labels metric enabled: true service: # -- Metrics service port servicePort: 8082 # -- Metrics service port name portName: http-metrics serviceMonitor: # -- Enable a prometheus ServiceMonitor enabled: true rules: # -- Deploy a PrometheusRule for the application controller enabled: true # -- PrometheusRule.Spec for the application controller spec: - alert: ArgoAppMissing expr: | absent(argocd_app_info) == 1 for: 15m labels: severity: critical annotations: summary: "[Argo CD] No reported applications" description: > Argo CD has not reported any applications data for the past 15 minutes which means that it must be down or not functioning properly. This needs to be resolved for this cloud to continue to maintain state. - alert: ArgoAppNotSynced expr: | argocd_app_info{sync_status!="Synced"} == 1 for: 12h labels: severity: warning annotations: summary: "[{{`{{$labels.name}}`}}] Application not synchronized" description: > The application [{{`{{$labels.name}}`}} has not been synchronized for over 12 hours which means that the state of this cloud has drifted away from the state inside Git. selector: prometheus: kube-prometheus namespace: monitoring ## ApplicationSet controller applicationSet: ## Metrics service configuration metrics: # -- Deploy metrics service enabled: true service: # -- Metrics service port servicePort: 8085 # -- Metrics service port name portName: http-metrics serviceMonitor: # -- Enable a prometheus ServiceMonitor enabled: true
上述的 Helm 配置檔案包含了與 Prometheus operation 整合的許多配置,主要包含了:
- 創建相關的 Service 來曝露在 ArgoCD 關鍵元件 metric 端點的 port
- 創建 ServiceMonitor(CRD) 來讓 Prometheus 感知如何刮取指標
- 創建 PrometheusRule(CRD) 來設定 AlertRule 來對 ArgoCD 告警
使用 Helm 在 argocd 的命名空間中部署 argo/argo-cd chart:
helm upgrade --install --create-namespace --namespace argocd \ argocd argo/argo-cd \ --values argocd-values.yaml kubectl get ing -n argocd
使用下列的命令來取得 argocd 初始化的密碼:
這個密碼是 ArgoCD 在安裝時動態生成, 每次都會不同。
kubectl -n argocd get secret argocd-initial-admin-secret -o jsonpath="{.data.password}" | base64 -d
通過 Helm 的設定, 在環境裡己經有相關的 ServiceMonitor 物件。
在 Prometheus UI 中點選 Status >> Target:
Prometheus 除了可以收集應用程式指標,同時它也是用來執行告警規則的元件。prometheus-operator 的 CRD 中 PrometheusRule 就是讓各應用程式的開發團隊可以使用這個 CRD 來自服務式地配置讓 Prometheus 執行的告警規則。
apiVersion: monitoring.coreos.com/v1 kind: PrometheusRule metadata: name: argocd-application-controller namespace: monitoring spec: groups: - name: argocd partial_response_strategy: "" rules: - alert: ArgoAppMissing annotations: description: | Argo CD has not reported any applications data for the past 15 minutes which means that it must be down or not functioning properly. This needs to be resolved for this cloud to continue to maintain state. summary: '[Argo CD] No reported applications' expr: | absent(argocd_app_info) == 1 for: 15m labels: severity: critical - alert: ArgoAppNotSynced annotations: description: | The application [{{`{{$labels.name}}`}} has not been synchronized for over 12 hours which means that the state of this cloud has drifted away from the state inside Git. summary: '[{{`{{$labels.name}}`}}] Application not synchronized' expr: | argocd_app_info{sync_status!="Synced"} == 1 for: 12h labels: severity: warning
在 Prometheus UI 中點選 Status >> Rules:
Dashboards, ConfigMaps 與 GitOps
幸運的是,Grafana 5.0 版引入了一個使用配置文件的新的主動供應系統。這意味著我們現在能夠從配置文件(Kubernetes 中的 ConfigMap)配置儀表板。 Grafana 將自動加載它們,而無需進一步部署部署(就像我們過去在 Kubernetes 中使用配置映射時一樣)。
我們現在需要找到一種方法將 configmap 從一個地方分發到所有環境。GitOps 方法可以幫助我們實現這一點,因為我們將儀表板配置存儲在 git 中,合併到主分支的任何更改都將自動應用於我們的系統。
市面上有很多 GitOps 工具,比如 Flux、Jenkins 等等——我們選擇了 ArgoCD。ArgoCD 是用於 Kubernetes 的聲明式 GitOps 持續交付工具。
ArgoCD 持續監視指定的 git 存儲庫,將其與集群中當前部署的清單進行比較,並在它們上有效地運行 kubectl apply -f <all>
對於廣泛的用例,這導致了一個非常簡單和可見的持續交付過程——在我們的例子中,在 configmaps 中持續部署 Grafana 儀表板。
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/argoproj/argo-cd/master/examples/dashboard.json
創建包含 Dashboard 的 ConfigMap:
kubectl create configmap cm-argocd-dashboard \ --from-file=dashboard.json \ --dry-run=client -o yaml > cm-argocd-dashboard.yaml
設定 Dashboard Aware Flag:
使用任一文件編輯器來編修 cm-argocd-dashboard.yaml 來增加一個關鍵的標籤 grafana_dashboard: "1":
apply ConfigMap 到 Kubernetes:
執行下列指令來手動將 cm-argocd-dashboard.yaml 建置進 Kubernetes 中:
kubectl apply -f cm-argocd-dashboard.yaml
3.從 Git 存儲庫佈署應用程序
4.在 Grafana 中驗證儀表板:
在 Grafana UI 中的左側瀏覽欄中點選 "Dashboards >> Browse", 並在 filter 欄中輸入 "argo":
點選 ArgoCD 儀表板: