

What's new in 6.10 (2014-Feb-12 13:46):

**KNOWN ISSUE: IPsec AES-CBC 256 Bit encryption algorithm doesn't work in some cases. Use 128 bit AES, or hold on for v6.11**
*) fix autosupout.rif generation after kernel panic;
*) ovpn - make it work again;
*) ovpn client - remove cipher=any & auth=any options,
protocol does not support them;
*) pptp - fixed where Windows & MacOS clients were disconnecting all the time;
*) sstp - make it work with Windows client with AES encryption;
*) ipv6 pool - fix dynamic prefix disappearing which may influence large
VPNs with IPv6;
*) ssh client - fix key agreement when sometimes wrong DH algorithm was selected;
*) bgp - multipath eBGP now does not propagate BGP nexthop unless
forced in configuration;
*) removed 10/100 half duplex from autonegotiation advertisement on CCR;

這個版本多了Quick Set設定的選項


By tony

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