yum update失敗問題解決

運行#yum update
--> Processing Conflict: autofs conflicts cyrus-sasl-lib < 2.1.22-5.el5_4.3
--> Finished Dependency Resolution
1:autofs-5.0.1-0.rc2.143.el5_6.2.i386 from update has depsolving problems
--> autofs conflicts with cyrus-sasl-lib
selinux-policy-devel-2.4.6-300.el5_6.1.noarch from update has depsolving problems
--> Missing Dependency: checkpolicy >= 1.33.1-5 is needed by package selinux-policy-de
lvm2-2.02.74-5.el5_6.1.i386 from update has depsolving problems
--> Missing Dependency: device-mapper >= 1.02.55-2 is needed by package lvm2-2.02.74-5
Error: autofs conflicts with cyrus-sasl-lib
Error: Missing Dependency: checkpolicy >= 1.33.1-5 is needed by package selinux-policy-d
Error: Missing Dependency: device-mapper >= 1.02.55-2 is needed by package lvm2-2.02.74-
You could try using 1。--skip-broken to work around the problem
You could try running: 2。package-cleanup --problems
3。package-cleanup --dupes
4。rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest
金色字告訴我們可以用 2 3 4來查看問題原因

[root@rh5 Server]# package-cleanup --dupes
Setting up yum
Repository base is listed more than once in the configuration
Repository dag is listed more than once in the configuration

[root@rh5 Server]# package-cleanup --problems
Setting up yum
Repository base is listed more than once in the configuration
Reading local RPM database
Processing all local requires
No problems found

當終端顯示Repository base is listed more than once in the configuration:
觀察/etc/yum.repos/裡面的文件和/etc/yum.cof,[base] [dag]這些如果重複定義了,會報此錯。

再次運行#package-cleanup --problems不出現Repository base is listed more than once in the configuration:的時候

運行#yum update --skip-broken

warning: rpmts_HdrFromFdno: Header V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID 37017186
Public key for postgresql-libs-8.1.11-1.el5_1.1.i386.rpm is not installed
rpm --import /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-redhat-release


By tony

自由軟體愛好者~喜歡不斷的思考各種問題,有新的事物都會想去學習嘗試 做實驗並熱衷研究 沒有所謂頂天的技術 只有謙虛及不斷的學習 精進專業,本站主要以分享系統及網路相關知識、資源而建立。 Github http://stnet253.github.io

One thought on “centos yum update出現Error: autofs conflicts with cyrus-sasl-lib”
  1. Yum更新進行了很長一段時間後,就會發生錯誤。↓!
     1:autofs-5.0.1-0.rc2.143.el5_5.6.i386 from updates has depsolving problems
     --> autofs conflicts with cyrus-sasl-lib
     Error: autofs conflicts with cyrus-sasl-lib
     You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem
     You could try running: package-cleanup --problems
     package-cleanup --dupes
     rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest

    yum clearn all執行後還是有衝突請執行以下指令
     # yum install yum-utils

     #package-cleanup --dupes

     #package-cleanup --cleandupes

     # yum-complete-transaction

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