如果在裝置管理員出現以下警號,重裝驅動也無解 請下載下方的程式及參考使用說明解決問題




在 (Windows 8):
1. 執行 Wan miniport repair tool或version2
2. 重啟電腦
3. 執行Wan miniport installer
4. 重啟電腦完之後再重新播號一次

在 (Windows 8.1):
1. 執行 version 2
2. 重啟電腦
3. 點擊網路圖示等待幾分鐘,後續其它操作應該不是必要




Wan miniport repair tool - solve VPN and dial-up error code 720 and similar PPP errors
Wan miniport repair tool removes Wan miniports in Windows 8/8.1. You will need it to solve VPN and dial-up error code 720 and similar PPP errors. Errors are caused by broken Wan miniport install (You can see yellow exclamation mark next to the WAN Miniport devices in Device manager and error 31).

How to use it (Windows 8):
1. run Wan miniport repair tool (or version 2)
2. restart computer
3. run Wan miniport installer
4. restart computer and enjoy fully working Dial-up and VPN access again.

Manual for Windows 8.1:
1. run version 2
2. restart computer
3. click 'network' icon and and wait a few minutes. Other steps shouldn't be necessary.

If You have some VPN, or dial-up connection installed, system will start miniport installation automatically (installation is hidden, test VPN connection about a few minutes). If you You do not have any dial-up, or VPN connection installed, use some VPN installer (our works too - first button from left), or install Wan miniports manually using Wan miniport installer (and restart).

If You still use 32-bit Windows, use following links: Wan miniport repair tool (32bit) (or version 2 (32bit)) Wan miniport installer (32bit)

Do not forget to try our VPN routers and services for remote network connecting, censorship bypass and data and identity protection with public IP!

Version 1 tries to disable Wan miniports first, version 2 is a bit more aggressive and removes Wan miniports without disabling (and uses a bit different method for miniports enumeration). Use version You like, or both if one doesn't work. If program freezes, or ends with error, restart computer and use another version. If You get "This Program Might Not Have Installed Correctly" prompt, click "This program installed correctly".


Author of this software is Jaromir Kuba, Ve Stezkach 163, Pardubice, Czech Republic, [email protected]. This software is free to use, if You do not embed it in Your products and do not modify it without permission of the author. Any use of this Software is at Your own risk.


By tony

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