netsh wlan show networks mod=bssid
Here are new commands relating to the new Wireless Hosted Network feature:
- netsh wlan set hostednetwork [[mode={allow|disallow}] [[ssid=]WirelessNetworkName] [[key=]passphrase] [[keyUsage=]{persistent|temporary}]: Configures the settings for the hosted network.
- netsh wlan export hostednetworkprofile: Saves the hosted network profile as an XML file.
- netsh wlan start hostednetwork: Enables and starts broadcasting the wireless hosted network.
- netsh wlan show hostednetwork: Shows the settings of the wireless hosted network.
- netsh wlan refresh hostednetwork: Defines a new WPA2-PSK encryption key when followed by the key.
- netsh wlan stop hostednetwork: Disables the wireless hosted network.
Here are three new commands that show or print the value of the given setting on the screen:
- netsh wlan show createalluserprofile: Whether creating all user profiles is allowed for everyone.
- netsh wlan show allowexplicitcreds: Whether to allow use of stored user credentials for 802.1X authentication by the computer when a user isn’t logged on to the computer.
- netsh wlan show onlyusegpprofilesforallowednetworks: Whether to only allow use of wireless profiles of Group Policy when Group Policy is implemented.
Here are some miscellaneous commands:
- netsh wlan reportissues: Creates a report in the C:\Windows\Tracing directory for troubleshooting WLAN issues.
- netsh wlan set allowexplicitcreds allow={yes|no}: Whether to allow or disallow client computers to store and use shared user credentials for network authentication.
- netsh wlan set blockperiod: Defines in minutes (0 – 60) the amount of time the client must wait before trying to connect to a network after an unsuccessful attempt.
- netsh wlan set profiletype name= ProfileName profiletype={all|current} [[interface=]InterfaceName]: Defines the profile type for the specified profile.